Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wogen's supporters are sadly, but not surprisingly, in denial

Yes, denial runs awfully deep my friends. Over the past couple of months, the author(s) of Wogen Watch has (have) read every comment that readers have left. In some cases, I (we) have responded with my (our) own comments that are always signed "-Wogen Watch". If you notice, neither the alderman's supporters or the alderman himself have answered any of the questions presented here or provided any real evidence to refute our claims. What do they offer the Third Ward and City of DeKalb? Nothing more than empty conjecture in the form of excuses and political spin, which is quite common when you're dealing with people who know nothing about serving the public with integrity. Hell, they probably don't know what the word "integrity" means.

While some complain that Wogen Watch operates with anonymity, the main reason is that this site is merely a clearinghouse of information and a forum to promote discussion about Alderman Wogen (and anyone he's connected to politically). I'm (we're) not running for office myself (ourselves), rather keeping an eye on the elected officials who claim to represent our best interests. Does that make this blog as bad as Citizens for a Better Third Ward? No. Wogen Watch is just trying to educate the public and allow people to communicate their views (none of which have been censored thus far). On the other hand, the citizen's group supported the campaign of a lying political hack and may have connections inside city hall thereby creating a real conflict of interest for our local government. By the way, has the alderman come clean about this matter? No, he hasn't, and this isn't surprising given what we know about his character.

People have also expressed concern over my (our) decision to post information about Alderman Wogen's legal and financial business as well as questioning the legitimacy of the letter to the editor his daughter wrote in his defense last spring. First, as citizens of this community, we have a right to know if a candidate (or official) owed the city money, is being sued (by 1. Nicor Gas; 2. H & R Accounts; 3. Lask Roofing & Siding), is on the verge of losing his or her home, has filed for bankruptcy, and gets fired from his or her job - especially when 1) that individual attacked the incumbent over code violations on the incumbent's home...and 2) now will make decisions involving public funds. Secondly, his daughter did send a letter to the local newspaper (with help?) for the entire community to read. Are we supposed to take it seriously? No. Actually, I (we) feel sorry for her because her father created this mess and other family members didn't have the sense to keep her out of it.

So, where does this leave Alderman Wogen? Some local citizens have said that they don't want anything to do with him. The author(s) of this blog agree with that position. I'm (we're) not going to give him the opportunity to feed me (us) another line - another worthless, disingenuous sales pitch coated in sleaze. In many ways, the next three and a half years will be awfully lonely for the guy. After all, how would you feel if everywhere you went in town, people either thought you were a pathetic liar or they associated you with a scandal that many won't soon forget? Wow, that reminds me (us), Corn Fest will be pretty awkward for him this weekend. How much do you want to bet that City Clerk Donna Johnson will be there to give him a big hug in public? Too bad that won't make any of this go away.


Anonymous said...

Without evidence, we still have no reason to trust Wogen and his family supporters for any reason, on any topic. Taking his word for things may be good enough for the family members but not for those of us who are not used to hearing lies.

Spare me the everybody else does it [lies] response, this time. If someone jumps off a bridge, is everyone else supposed to do it, too?

Anonymous said...

I did see that one comment on the blog was removed by the owner (can't remember which post) and wondered why.

Wogen Watch said...

If any comment is missing, then it is the result of a technical problem (with reloading the site template or a specific blog) and not because the author(s) has (have) deleted it. Anyone is free to repost that missing comment if they so choose.

-Wogen Watch

Anonymous said...

To the owners:
We have asked you several times if you are Mark and Christine Kahle?
For some reason, you will not respond. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

You are just as bad as those citizens for a better third ward!
YOU (the owners) are in serious denial!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to ruin it for you, but there are a ton of people in DeKalb that do like Victor Wogen & they are very happy that he won the election!

Anonymous said...

First of all, lots of people were initially happy that Wogen won but that changed within about 48 hours after a couple of newspaper articles.

Second of all, more people upset about Wogen wrote to the newspaper. Not too many supporters wrote anything at all. Where was the 'luv' for Wogen in the newspapers?

Anonymous said...

Since I have no goggle account I will post anon. However I will be free enough to post my name.

I am Mark Kahle, and I have no affiliation with this site, till this present post. We did not create the site, however after looking through many of the posts on this site, I can attest that many if not all are true..(note I am still looking at the site and have not made a full educated assessment.

However that being said I commend the person behind this site, and I appreciate his or her views on Victor Wogen.

I have done my part over the past couple of months to make sure Victor does his job, however, have always had to resort to emailing the mayor to get the job done in my ward.

Also as I believe my Wife posted today I wish I could be more involved with all of this, however a possible move to Michigan is in the works, not sealed and signed mind you but in the works, which would move me to my companies corporate offices. Thus making me move from this ward and town. However if things stay as they are I will be more than happy to rejoin the efforts against Victor, as he has not shown me anything yet that he truly wants and desires to care about the people in the ward or for that matter do his job he was voted in for.

Now that I know this site is here , I should be posting more regularlly, or at least when I can get the hang of how the layout is done here...

Mark Kahle