According to the file from Alderman Wogen's 2003-2004 failed bankruptcy attempt, he owed the City of DeKalb $527.36 and we would like to know what for. Could this be unpaid water or garbage bills, parking tickets, code violations on his home (wouldn't that be ironic), or a combination of the aforementioned? Moreover, since he's been in a financial tailspin for years, who paid it off and when?
I will guess unpaid water and garbage bills. That is too much money for unpaid parking tickets.
Oh my Gosh! You had better find out! If you don't, you'll go nuts! Poor you!
Since it's impossible to tell which Wogen supporter (you mean there are still some out there?) is bringing this nonsensical discussion style back ...
Do you have no clue as to the vulnerability a person has when they are in financial trouble? Do you not care that someone might be able to literally buy Wogen's vote with a few dollars that can go toward paying off these debts?
Do you not care that even if it never happens, that the mere possibility is enough to bring every vote Wogen makes into question (especially any votes pertaining to downtown business revitalization and/or impact fees)?
Are you aware that the Secret Service will not allow anyone who has over a certain amount of debt to be on presidential protection detail? Do you know why? It's because the agent is susceptible to being bribed huge sums of money to make the agent's debt go away.
None of us are going to "go nuts" if we never get an answer. But it doesn't hurt to ask the question, especially when Wogen's very integrity (which is already shaky enough through his own past actions) can be bought.
Sorry brien, wrong answers.
His debt isn't being pd off by anyone, other than himself.
It doesn't matter. Have you not heard of the phrase, "Perception is reality?"
What the public *thinks* is all that matters. If the public *thinks* that Wogen might be on the take, that's all the public needs to discredit everything he ever does. To question every motive he has, noble or otherwise.
If you think that the public is actually interested in the *facts*, you haven't been paying attention. If something is accepted by the masses, then it must be true. Even when it isn't.
And any vote he makes that helps the construction industry, the real estate industry, or the downtown businesses, will always be tainted with a huge, "what if", as long as he remains so beholden to his creditors.
It's an inescapable fact, no matter how anyone tries to explain it.
BTW, it's illegal to run for city council if you owe the city money.
Brien, are you a citizen of the 3rd ward? It is, for the most part, a very modest, blue-collar ward. Oweing the city money and being late on bills is an unfortunate part of being working class. I'm sure Mr. Wogan tries to be as financially responsible as the rest of us. Hard times hit everyone eventually. If you are fortunate enough to avoid these common problems, then good for you. There are'nt a lot of us that can live debt free and have enough money to rely on.
Sean, You are right about most of us trying very hard to pay our debts and sometimes some of them have to wait. But, in the case of Wogen he has a track record of his entire adult life of not paying his own bills and relying on his or his wifes' family members to dig him out. We all face unfortunate circumstances in our lives but hopefully learn from them not just keep repeating the same old pattern. In addition, he is in the position of making decisions for the entire community when he so obviously can't or doesn't care if he handles his own affairs. There's a BIG difference!
The other difference is that people who need money go get second jobs, not spend thousands on an election to get a second job. Wogen blew at least $4,000 on a $6,000 a year job. That is, if anyone believes the wild stories that he actually paid for the election himself.
Hey Sean, your profile is totally bogus. You may as well just post as Anonymous.
Sean, I'm not buying what you're selling, because you are trying to portray all blue-collar workers as being somehow less able to afford to live than others.
I grew up in a blue-collar household, and my father (the only income) never, repeat never, owed the city I grew up in. He never let his bills get behind, and he never, not ever, let the mortgage payment go.
Your comments imply that blue-collar workers cannot live within their means, and that is totally false. If blue-collar workers find themselves in financial trouble, it's because they are purchasing "white-collar" items on credit cards, then being unable to keep up.
No one tells you what to buy for you and your family. But if you cannot afford the 56-inch plasma HDTV with the surround sound speakers, then instead of putting it on the Visa, and then being unable to make the minimum monthly payments, don't buy it.
Common sense should prevail, whether you make $30,000 a year, or $300,000 a year.
Or a new truck
Not to excuse Wogen entirely, but the new truck went along with the job that he was terminnated from in Oct. of last year. He had to return it. But since all I write is assuming the people with the facts and truth might want to confirm my comment.
This is exactly what we mean by people posting false statements on this site- This is how RUMORS get started! (which isn't the first, by the way!)
For instance:
Read the comments above regarding the brand new truck!
You will now see why we need to monitor everyone's posts on this site. We have every right to do so.
Wogen Family Members
We forgot to mention that Silvia did print the correct statement.
Thank you.
This does not say anything about Wogen buying a new truck:
"Anonymous said...
Or a new truck"
By the way, since we now know that Wogen got a nice truck as part of his former employment, please explain why a company that only likes family members (as someone pointed out earlier) can give someone a nice truck to drive around then terminate him?
Evidence is required. The words of WFM will not be good enough. Wogen's words cannot be trusted, so why should we trust second-hand information told from family members without evidence?
You will now see why we need to monitor everyone's posts on this site. We have every right to do so.
You want to set the record straight, if I understand you correctly.
So do we, which is why this blog exists. We want to set the record straight on the type of person who is voting on our behalf on the City Council.
So now, you will see why we need to monitor every aspect of Wogen's background and voting record. We have every right to do so.
Are the "watchers" here keeping track of all the other county and city officials or just Wogen.
So pathetic.
Wogen is just the worst of all of the ones in the county. In fact, Wogen is probably up there with Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, Gov. Blago, and a couple of people from Stickney in the running for worst Illinois politican.
This is so hilarious!!!
Wogen must have you really scared! You are acting like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!
He has to be an outstanding & clever politician for someone to create a blog just for him!
Way to go, Wogen! I can't wait to meet you!
The last comment is just too funny!
What propaganda!
Why do you consider that funny? You must be un-sure of yourself.
Actually, another politician had said that to Vic Wogen!
The politician told Vic that he must really have those people running scared to create a blog just for him!
Everyone that we've spoken to regarding this issue has agreed with that fact! (We've talked to A LOT of people by the way!)
Until Vic Wogen shows up at the site I guess I have a different idea about who exactly is scared.
A lot of people? Sorry but family members and the rummies at KJ's don't count.
The politician told Vic that he must really have those people running scared to create a blog just for him!
That, of course, is the OPINION of one politician. That, and a dollar, gets you a small order of fries at McDonald's.
Everyone that we've spoken to regarding this issue has agreed with that fact! (We've talked to A LOT of people by the way!)
Please understand something. An OPINION is just that ... worth the paper it's printed on, or the breath used to speak it. Nothing more, nothing less.
It is not a FACT, simply because you say it is, or because some politician says it is. A FACT is something you can actually prove (which is why the Wogen camp has zero credibility, even on these boards ... they claim all sorts of facts in evidence, but have yet to prove a single one).
So, please, stop posting until you can tell the difference between what you THINK is the truth, and what you KNOW is the truth.
You THINK this blog exists because of the flier (your opinion). We KNOW this blog exists because Wogen is a liar (a fact, mentioned many, many times by the blog owner).
" Anonymous said...
Why do you consider that funny? You must be un-sure of yourself.
Actually, another politician had said that to Vic Wogen!
The politician told Vic that he must really have those people running scared to create a blog just for him!"
OK, just which hack politician said that? Johnson? Wiegand? What an idiot. No one here is scared of the Barbed Liar.
Actually, it was a rather famous politician who said those words to Wogen.
Actually, it was a rather famous politician who said those words to Wogen.
Who? Richard Nixon? Dan Rostenkowski? George Ryan?
I doubt any "famous" local politician even knows who Wogen is, or would care less who he was.
"Famous politician" must mean the former mayor of DeKalb.
What about the present mayor?
Silvia, that's hilarious. I can just imagine the mayor comforting the man who has caused the city so much embarrassment.
They don't know what they're talking about when Wogen Family Members say "famous" politician.
I place my bet on Greg The Keg.
P.S. On second thought, perhaps the "famous politican" could be Donna 'Late Minutes' Johnson.
No matter who the mystery "famous" person is, I bet he or she never comes forward and puts it in the newspaper for all to see.
Here's a thought, if you're in dire financial straits, maybe *BOTH* adults should be producing an income. All Kathy Wogen seems to do is represent them in court (refer to the pending foreclosure and former bancruptcy papers at the courthouse) and incur unpaid (as of May 2007) speeding tickets.
And please don't tell me about her home daycare, I've heard from folks who have removed their children from her care because of an incomplete bathroom remodel. Remodeling the interior of your home while trying to provide daycare services is a bit dangerous to the children, don't you think. I would imagine that there are some legal issues to it as well.
McDonald's is always hiring and as someone pointed out, it pays better than being an alderman, although the bosses at Mickey D's actually make their employees work.
Speaking of which, why was Wogen absent from the city meeting weeks ago? There was a simple question dodged.
Do you think there are code violations in the Wogen home?
Now wouldn't that be ironic?
Silvia, that gives me an idea about calling the city and talking to an inspector.
You go right ahead and do that, Diana. Sorry, no code violations in the Wogen home.
Thanks for the invite. That'll help if I need to make a FOIA request.
Here are the city codes:
complete with an old picture of Donna Johnson. I heard the same rumors. I heard a rumor the inside of the house is not that terrific and the postcard about Kapitan's house was truly ironic. Finding out the truth would be very helpful.
Oh, after Johnson put her career on the line for Wogen, I certainly didn't hear any of you Wogen supporters standing up for Johnson. Now we know why the mayor wanted a referendum to get the city clerk's job appointed instead of elected. We could have been rid of her by now.
You're very welcome Diana! Be our guest!
Thanks. I hear Mr. Moluf is a good person to speak to over there.
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