"Jon Zahm, a former candidate for Maple Park village president who runs a political consulting group...declined to say who asked him to write the freedom-of-information request that turned up the information. Zahm's wife, Jennifer Hansen, dropped the request off at the DeKalb City Clerk's Office on April 3...Zahm said he would not name the people affiliated with the group because they felt privacy was necessary and feared possible repercussions if Kapitan was re-elected...According to Zahm, a few people from the group approached him about getting the code violation information. He said some of the members are residents of the 3rd Ward, and others have an interest in the area."
Source: "Political consultant got information for Wogen mailing"
The above quote is very telling indeed. Who would Steve Kapitan of retaliated against had he won the election (and with knowledge of the mailer's origin)? Do you get the feeling that someone at city hall was (more) involved, and that Zahm knows how local citizens would react if they discovered an elected official used his or her office to orchestrate this political attack? Hmmm. Since City Clerk Donna Johnson processed the FOIA request (concerning the code violations on Kapitan's house), one has to wonder if she played a greater role in this whole debacle given her relationship with Alderman Wogen. The more I/we think about the matter, the more disturbing it becomes. After all, Wogen didn't have any political experience. Moreover, he had very little political ambition until this opportunity came along. Someone here in town had to coach the guy into running for office - someone with contempt for Steve Kapitan, knowledge of our local government, and connections to campaign contributions.
Source: "Political consultant got information for Wogen mailing"
The above quote is very telling indeed. Who would Steve Kapitan of retaliated against had he won the election (and with knowledge of the mailer's origin)? Do you get the feeling that someone at city hall was (more) involved, and that Zahm knows how local citizens would react if they discovered an elected official used his or her office to orchestrate this political attack? Hmmm. Since City Clerk Donna Johnson processed the FOIA request (concerning the code violations on Kapitan's house), one has to wonder if she played a greater role in this whole debacle given her relationship with Alderman Wogen. The more I/we think about the matter, the more disturbing it becomes. After all, Wogen didn't have any political experience. Moreover, he had very little political ambition until this opportunity came along. Someone here in town had to coach the guy into running for office - someone with contempt for Steve Kapitan, knowledge of our local government, and connections to campaign contributions.
you're an idiot! wogen was approached by several people in the 3rd ward wanting him to run years ago! They said he would make a great alderman. No, none of these people mentioned above had any affiliation with development or construction by the way!
How about we then expose the
"Mark and Christine Kahle-gate"!!
Could Anonymous please point out where it says in this post any wording about "any affiliation with development" or "construction?" I only saw wording about people with political experience. Was that a Freudian slip on your part?
Oh, and since Kapitan LOST, and is in no position to retaliate, it is long past time for Jon Zahm to say who was behind the FOIA request.
Anonymous, there is a phrase in French: "Qui s'excuse, s'accuse". It means, "He who excuses himself, accuses himself".
Your response, which mentions development and construction, fits that old axiom. Nowhere in the original post did the author mention either industry.
Yet, you saw fit to mention those two industries as ones that did *not* ask Wogen to run. Why did you feel the need to defend those who were not mentioned in the first place?
"Methinks thou dost protest too much" And in so protesting, you have provided so much more information about the who than you thought you would.
I also agree with "where?" ... it's now time for Zahm to fess up and come clean. Since he doesn't live in DeKalb, who could he possibly be afraid of, anyway?
Processing FOIA requests involves the judgment of three people: City Clerk, City Manager, City Attorney. Officially, that is. Perhaps others were in on it. Kapitan is widely and openly hated at City Hall. It's because he has never solicited contributions that might cause a conflict of interest, never played the games. They found him dangerous because they could never entice him into the club. They could never buy him.
Say what you will about his being long-winded and grating, or that you disagreed with his voting, or that he didn't do enough for the ward. That might be true. What's also true is that Steve Kapitan is incorruptible, stayed clean the entire 12 years he was in office, and was not tolerated because of that.
Sure, Wogen was undoubtedly recruited years ago. So were other people in the ward who were not knowledgable about local politics. They've been looking for a puppet for about ten years. They finally have one.
Brien: we wrote that none of the people mentioned (that asked wogen to run)didn't have any affiliation w/development or construction ahead of time, as we know how you people tend to think! Duh! Everyone automatically thinks that wogen is buddy buddy w/all the developers & he was recruited by them! Wrong again!
People, meaning regular folks in the third ward had asked him to run yrs ago!
This is the perfect example of how everyone takes words out of context & makes up their own stories! This is the biggest problem on this very blog!
Hey Diana-
Kapitan was the Interfaith Networks puppet for the past 12 yrs!
Anon 2:27: It would be hard for him to be a puppet of Interfaith, since he was a founder.
Try again.
Kapitan was still a puppet!
Kapitan was still a puppet!
Of who? The developers didn't care much for his votes as regards impact fees. The downtown businesses didn't like his idea that they put up half of the money to re-do the downtown.
So, if Kapitan was a puppet, it's because he did what we, the taxpayers wanted! What a novel idea, actually represent the people who elected you (and even those who didn't certainly benefit when their alderman keeps taxes and spending down).
Your comment admits that Wogen is a puppet. The big difference is that he represents the business interests of the ward, not the people who live here.
Great. You're okay with a puppet of business, but not a puppet of the people.
What a frickin' idiot!
You just keep getting more rude by the minute! If you were so worried about representation (meaning that you don't think that Victor Wogen is representing you in any way)
Why didn't you ever call up Victor yourself and tell him of your so-called concerns?
Oh yeah, just like you never bothered to voice your opinion regarding the upcoming smoking ban! (but you chose to complain about it AFTERWARDS!) The people that are genuinely concerned about being represented, are the ones who speak up and clearly voice their opinions to Victor personally. We have much respect for those people & they deserve to be heard.
Victor Wogen does try his best to please the people of the third ward, but he cannot possibly help you or answer your questions if you chose to remain silent.
I am not talking about voicing your opinions on this blog either- This blog won't get you anywhere.
Remember, only a coward does not like personal confrontation. Please take a step forward and talk to your Alderman. He will listen.
Who's the coward? You must be talking about the person who when asked face to face about the flier LIED! Give me a break.
"Please take a step forward and talk to your Alderman. He will listen."
TOO LATE!! He should have thought about the voters before he lied about the postcards. He has no credibility.
What is worse, a do nothing alderman or an alderman with such a low rate of credibility that no one will contact him?
Conan, thats your fault if you choose not to contact him. Dont try to put that blame on anyone else, even Wogen.
You actually believe that you're hurting Wogen by not contacting him? Think again... You're only hurting yourself and the 3rd ward as well. (Just like others that are boycotting and refusing to help beautify the ward, by volunteering alongside Wogen.)
That, in a nutshell, is the main reason why the 3rd ward will never change. (we have heard that from quite a few people in DeKalb- No, they're not all Wogenites either)
You have proven to us that you know how to complain (and you're very good at it, by the way!) but you have a thing or two to learn when it comes to blaming others for everything under the sun.
My goodness, how is it you don't understand that people who were glad to work with Steve Kapitan will not willingly work with Victor Wogen because they don't trust him. You are really blaming other people for not trusting him? You are really saying that 3rd Ward people should go to HIM? You have it entirely backwards.
Diana is correct. I refuse to contact someone who I do not trust. If I need something, I will contact the Mayor.
I trust the Mayor.
P.S. I can also contact all of the other alderman. None of the alderman have done anything to damage my trust of them.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:48:00 PM "Anonymous said... How about we then expose the "Mark and Christine Kahle-gate"!!"
What exactly is that to mean? What have we hidden or lied about? As concerned 3rd Ward citizens, we had every right, nay, duty to expose the lies and deceit of Victor Wogen and his campaign.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2007 8:43:00 PM Anonymous said..."No, none of these people mentioned above had any affiliation with development or construction by the way!" SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2007 2:25:00 PM "Brien: we wrote that none of the people mentioned (that asked wogen to run)didn't have any affiliation w/development or construction ahead of time, as we know how you people tend to think! Duh! Everyone automatically thinks that wogen is buddy buddy w/all the developers & he was recruited by them! Wrong again! People, meaning regular folks in the third ward had asked him to run yrs ago!"
So close, reliable sources are wrong again? I doubt that, not all information being discussed on this board was imagined up by the bloggers. There are certain folks, close to the Wogen camp who have provided certain details regarding financing and his connection to the “construction outfit”.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 05, 2007 7:45:00 PM Anonymous said... "The people that are genuinely concerned about being represented, are the ones who speak up and clearly voice their opinions to Victor personally. We have much respect for those people & they deserve to be heard."
Then explain why the Kahle family is continually being ripped on as the creator of this blog? That doesn’t appear terribly respectful now does it?? What was it that we and the Corrigans did other than to voice our opinions and concern with being represented by Mr. Wogen after all we had learned?
Suddenly it’s ok with this anon poster that folks have an opinion, yet how many other posters have been persecuted for their opinions regarding matters pertaining to Alderman Wogen?
"Victor Wogen does try his best to please the people of the third ward, but he cannot possibly help you or answer your questions if you chose to remain silent.
I am not talking about voicing your opinions on this blog either- This blog won't get you anywhere. Remember, only a coward does not like personal confrontation. Please take a step forward and talk to your Alderman. He will listen." FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 07, 2007 8:43:00 AM Anonymous said..."Conan, thats your fault if you choose not to contact him. Dont try to put that blame on anyone else, even Wogen. That, in a nutshell, is the main reason why the 3rd ward will never change."
Please explain why it takes Alderman Wogen so long to respond to his emails. We have had issues remedied by the Mayor before Mr. Wogen even responds the first time. That’s not much help if you ask me. I recall Mr. Wogen telling both Sarah and I that he only checks his emails about once every 2-3 days. Is that how an efficient public servant operates? Let’s not forget, he is supposed to be a “public servant”.
Man! Mark or Cristina Kahle should of ran for alderman or alderwoman! all they know how to do is complain! let me ask you this:
why didn't you run in this past election?
"let me ask you this: why didn't you run in this past election?"
I guess it's because they THOUGHT they had an honorable person to vote for.
Anonymous said...
Man! Mark or Cristina Kahle should of ran for alderman or alderwoman! all they know how to do is complain! let me ask you this:
why didn't you run in this past election?
Monday, September 10, 2007 10:29:00 PM
Firstly, my name is CHristinE, if you're going to bash, get it correct.
Way to change the subject again folks. Is anyone from the Wogen camp going to legitimately answer any questions?? Well, let me answer yours...
If you must know, I am not in the position to run for public office as it would be a conflict of interest. Mark can not, because due to his job, there is no guarantee he would be able to attend the Council meetings as should be *required* of all Council members.
Oh my Goodness,
I have been watching all the comments over the last 2 weeks (prior to that, I was not aware of Wogen-watch), and I'm flabbergasted (Ok, someone will probably make fun of my vocabulary...but that is the best word to describe how I feel about it all).
I was one of Victor's biggest opponents in the beginning. (I'm sure someone will blast me for not doing enough.) I still don't support him, but I do believe that we should all be working together.
Did he lie?
No question about that...he did it to my face.
Will I forgive him?
Maybe if he proves he can be a good alderman.
Will I work with him?
Absolutely! No need to punish the third ward for his mistakes.
I'm sure I'll be slammed for this post by his supporters and oppenents alike, (insert bloggers nasty comments about me here) but I think it needs to be said:
We need to take this opportunity that he has given us. If nothing else, Victor Wogen has made us a more civic-minded community. Some bloggers will say he hasn't done anything, but if you look at the bigger picture...he has, just not intentionally! He opened our eyes to the importance of citizens being involved in government before, during and after elections! Prior to this whole "incident", I didn't take much interest in DeKalb politics and now I realize how important it really is to all of us.
I am hoping that we can take all the anger we are directing towards each other, (I'm sure I'll get slammed here too...people will be telling me that they aren't angry. It's a generalization...some bloggers on this site seem very angry!) and maybe put that energy into community projects. (Ok...someone will comment that I am a dreamer on this one).
I have volunteered with Victor and I am waiting to hear from him what projects he has going on. I am also taking over the Neighbors-Helping-Neighbors Project and we are beginning our own community service projects.
I implore all of you, to put aside all of our differences and work together. No, you don't have to work side-by-side with Victor, but let some of the anger go...or at least channel it into a positive energy and get involved! (let me beat the bloggers to the comments here again...I'm sure many of you are already involved in community projects...if you are already enriching your community, then this comment is not directed at you)
I thank anyone who reads this post, please stop the name calling and angry chatter and let's try to move on to something positive! (Again, pre-empting the slam...I'm not saying let the whole thing go...but let's actually get out into the community and do something about it, instead of re-hashing the anger here.)
Sarah Corrigan
Wow, well said! Your post really touched us & we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. No one better not even think about bashing you. Your post is the most genuine post on this blog. We have no intentions of bashing anyone either. Our main goal is to try to help out as many people as we can.
Maybe we can finally get some well deserved rest! It's been a very long & tiring 5 months!
Thank you so much, Sarah
Spoken from the Heart :)
Sarah, I can't see anyone blasting you here. You have a point of view and you've laid it out without being inflammatory--and you've gone farther than most people would in taking action.
You are correct that the energy generated by our anger can be productive, starting with the educational value. You understand better the impact local politics has on us all. I understand better the importance of the city clerk's position. You've started N-H-N and there's movement for positive change in the clerk's office and there are more projects to come.
I disagree, though, that this site is all about anger. For sure it's irritating to read Wogenites' defenses of Victor's actions, past and present, and put-downs of others for wanting certain things rectified and certain questions answered. Some of us handle that irritation better than others but it is a sidetrack. Mostly I see this site as a means of followup. Because he has and will not do the right things, he belongs firmly on the "hot seat" as another poster has called it, and he stays there until he resigns or finishes his term of office. In view of the circumstances of his election that does not seem unreasonable to me.
"Anonymous said...
Wow, well said! Your post really touched us & we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. No one better not even think about bashing you. Your post is the most genuine post on this blog. We have no intentions of bashing anyone either. Our main goal is to try to help out as many people as we can.
Maybe we can finally get some well deserved rest! It's been a very long & tiring 5 months!
Thank you so much, Sarah
Spoken from the Heart :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:28:00 AM"
Think again--SFTH now thinks Wogen is off the hook. No. There are so many unanswered questions. There are still many people out in the ward who do NOT trust him and will throw him off their property if he comes near. There are still many people out in the ward who do not trust him enough and consider it a waste of time to contact him. Almost every vote Wogen took so far broke campaign promises about watching the taxpayers' dollars.
He is still going to be watched like a hawk.
My vote is for "watching like a hawk" and keeping him on the "hot seat".
Someone with Wogen's character does not suddenly change overnight. He has actually said nor done anything differently than before. (Oh, his taxes got paid on time) BIG DEAL. People in this town have paid their taxes on time for decades. It is what responsible citizens do. Responsible citizens also speak up about dirty politics. So all of the evasion of questions by Victor Wogen just conclude that he has in no way changed since the beginning of this blog. He has not said a word about anything posted here. He has continued to hide behind people who believe all his lies. He lets them speak for him . I guess that's so he doesn't "misspeak".
Until Victor Wogen himself has the decency to answer questions that people have asked of him I for one will not believe a word said by any of his family or supporters.
We never said that Victor should be off the hook just because of our latest posts. We are un-biased, and will continue to remain un-biased.
It's obvious there is no more reasoning with any of you. For some reason, the only thing most of you want to do is continually bash us. We didn't come on here to receive sarcasm or negative feedback from you. We were only trying to help out this situation, by telling you how we feel about certain things. (No, we didn't have all the answers to everything). Now we can see that we are just wasting our time, as most of you do not want this situation to end. You love arguing way too much and there's nothing we can do to change that. Like Sarah Corrigan had said
earlier, "No need to punish the 3rd ward for Victor's mistakes!" That is so true! Do you honestly think that you are hurting Victor by ignoring him, or not helping him w/projects etc...? Victor is not affected by your isolation whatsoever... However, it will be the entire 3rd ward that suffers in the end. Have a great life and have fun arguing forever.
Spoken from the Heart
Who's ignoring Victor? Certainly not us. He's been prodded for information regarding his projects, some have even called him out on this board. If you are so close to Victor, then maybe you can provide us with the details of the projects he is working on and maybe, just maybe some of us would show up to help.
Who are you trying to fool? If any of you had truly wanted to help Victor out with his volunteer projects, you would of contacted him long before now.
Wogen has asked people to help him volunteer several times. He's made that announcement at least twice after city council meetings, as well as WLBK announcements. Most of you on this blog have already stated that you would never help him out with anything. (excluding Sarah Corrigan).
For instance, look how your blog entry was written "Maybe, just maybe, some of us might show up to help" What is that supposed to mean? To us, that actually says "We probably won't show up to help".
"For instance, look how your blog entry was written "Maybe, just maybe, some of us might show up to help" What is that supposed to mean? To us, that actually says "We probably won't show up to help".
Baloney. "Maybe" means it would be under consideration. By the way, people were invited to help. Based on the time and date stamp, at least one of you chose to blog instead of helping. It is a free country. You are free to blog. I'm free to note when you could be doing something else other than blogging. It's 11 o'clock at night. Name a place where I could be helping now.
"Sarah Corrigan said...
I realize that this may be the wrong place to post this comment, but I figured...what the heck! Many of you are angry at Victor and want to show him up! The Nieghbors-Helping-Neighbors Project (originally the Citizens for Wogen Resignation) is finally up and running.
We have our first community enrichment project this Saturday. We would love to have help from many of you! If you are interested, please check out the NHN website for details at:
I will be clear though...Saturday is an opporunity to help a neighbor who needs it! It will not be pro- or anti-Wogen, it is simply a community project in need of volunteers.
Thanks Everyone!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 7:14:00 AM"
"Anonymous said...
Who are you trying to fool? If any of you had truly wanted to help Victor out with his volunteer projects, you would of contacted him long before now.
Wogen has asked people to help him volunteer several times. He's made that announcement at least twice after city council meetings, as well as WLBK announcements. Most of you on this blog have already stated that you would never help him out with anything. (excluding Sarah Corrigan).
For instance, look how your blog entry was written "Maybe, just maybe, some of us might show up to help" What is that supposed to mean? To us, that actually says "We probably won't show up to help".
Monday, September 17, 2007 10:31:00 PM"
And where were you or Mr. Wogen and his supporters for the above project? It was posted right here in this blog, so please don't try to tell us you didn't know anything about it.
"He's made that announcement at least twice after city council meetings"
Which are seen by what, six people? Nice way to get the message out.
Hey, you guys have a website ... use it! Oh, wait, I forgot, you need Joe Wiegand to tell you how to use, and whether or not it's okay to use it.
I understand ... as does Kermit the Frog, Howdy Doody, Pinocchio, and all those famous puppets of the past.
We have plenty of projects in the works right now. We have our own group of volunteers. You do your thing and we'll do ours.
"We have plenty of projects in the works right now. We have our own group of volunteers. You do your thing and we'll do ours."
Such as...? C'mon, give us some details so that all the other Wogen supporters who post here can join in.
We have plenty of projects in the works right now. We have our own group of volunteers. You do your thing and we'll do ours.
What a great way to bring everyone in the ward together!! You guys come up with these secret projects, then staff them and run them yourselves, and shut out anyone else who might wish to help you ... especially if they think your boy is a liar and about as trustworthy as an Enron executive.
I see ... so where, exactly, do I live? The Third Ward ... or the Third Reich, where only "party members" were allowed to participate in civic duties, or were even notified of party events?
With every statement like yours, and every action to shut out people from the process, you are creating an elitist mentality that this is *your* ward. And that is a dangerous position to take.
Why ... one might even go so far as to call it "socialist".
Does that mean Wogen is now the "go to guy" for socialism and the pro-gay agenda? Wow ... guess he can expect a flier coming out against him in 2011, too.
We have plenty of projects in the works right now.
Sorry, but hanging out with Donna Johnson and the rummies at KJ's, whining about how you didn't get away with all the nonsense at election time, hardly qualifies as the type of civic-minded projects we all have in mind.
Please stop the whining! If you had wanted to help Wogen out, you would have volunteered long ago! We looked up a past post of yours and you stated that you would never help Victor out in any way, as you would not want any affiliation w/him when it came to re-election time. So please stop changing your stories around!
Wogen wasn't certainly gonna wait around for all of you to call him before he started on the 3rd ward projects! If you didn't want to volunteer, that's your choice, but please don't try to tell us now that you were interested in helping him out all along, because we know that's not true. Don't put the blame on Wogen just because he started w/out you!
We found that post we were talking about above that you had written on Aug. 7th.
Here you go, hope this will refresh your memory:
"I will do absolutely nothing to help Victor Wogen achieve any of his stated goals..."
"I will do nothing to give him anything he can later claim as a "success" of his come "2011" when he's begging to be re-elected."
So, now all of the sudden you're playing like you want to help Wogen volunteer & you say you feel as though you're being shut out?
You never had any intentions of helping him out anyway!
Who's lying now?
Anonymous--politicizing volunteering is the OPPOSITE of what volunteering is all about. Knock it off or perhaps there will be more letters to the editor where thousands of people see it instead of the hundreds of people who see it here.
So, now all of the sudden you're playing like you want to help Wogen volunteer & you say you feel as though you're being shut out?
Please quote the passage where I uttered the phrase, "I'd like to help out, but you won't let me."
I'll wait ...
Still waiting ...
See, you built another straw man. What I said was, if you guys are out there, doing your own thing, but not telling the Wogen "opposition", then you're (as Conan said) politicizing volunteer work, and that's out-and-out wrong ... the kind of stuff they did in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
You never had any intentions of helping him out anyway!
Well, you have that part of it correct. Unfortunately, you missed the bigger picture, which makes this statement rather moot.
Who's lying now?
As I've proven, it is not yours truly.
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