Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The list of accomplishments still hasn't arrived

Back on September 26th, Wogen Watch issued a challenge to Alderman Wogen by asking him to email in a list of his accomplishments since he took office in May 2007. Not surprisingly, an email hasn't arrived in the two and a half weeks since that post.

Now, either the alderman has been totally absorbed by the problems that he has brought upon himself (e.g. work related and personal lawsuits over the years, his arrest for battery in August, and divorce from his estranged wife) or he knows that he doesn't have any accomplishments to share with people. All of this is totally unacceptable.

If you've ever attended a council meeting or watched one on television, then you know he doesn't offer much of anything either in policy discussions or the ward reports (unless he's making excuses for his living situation - to see the video, click here, and for an analysis, click here). Often he looks like a cross between a school kid who didn't finish his homework and someone who's totally lost on certain issues altogether.

It's nauseating to think there's still one and a half years left in his term because that means constituents won't receive the service they deserve while they wait for the next embarrassing scandal to break.

However, where Alderman Wogen fails miserably to take the initiative, it's encouraging to see that Alderman Gallagher has developed a website where constituents can follow his council activity (for the article in the Daily Chronicle, click here). If you will notice, the site includes not only a "Submit Your Ideas" option, but also an "accomplishments" section.

Remember Slick Vic's now defunct, 2007 campaign site with its empty slogans and gross misrepresentations, complete with preposterous quotes from people like Jill Draves? Speaking of Ms. Draves, does anyone know if she still feels the same way toward Wogen as she did back then?


Anonymous said...

Wogen Watch, I just noticed the timer!!! Thanks, at least it's a little bit of hope for the community that his time is ruuning out. Too bad his wife can't be so sure of this mess ending at a certain point.

GhostofDekalb said...

Nice Timer!!!

Maybe Victor's daughter who participated in his campaign and letters to the DC could complete the assignment for her dad?

Anonymous said...

Here's the first accomplishment, lining his own pockets with tax dollars!!