Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Draves' silence is deafening

I sent an email (pasted below) to Jill Draves about her endorsement of Alderman Wogen and she did not respond. At this point, it seems she doesn't have a problem being associated with him, nor does she have a problem being misrepresented (on his site) as an "NIU faculty member" when in fact she's a staff member.

Her quote:

"As a long time resident, Victor appreciates the special relationship between DeKalb and the NIU community. A world class school and a world class city deserve a world class guy. Victor Wogen is a world class guy, and I'm glad to support him for the City Council." Jill Draves - NIU Faculty Member

Email from Wogen Watch:

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ms. Draves:

Hello. I'm curious to know if you still feel that "Victor Wogen is a world class guy" in the wake of the 'smear mailer' controversy.

Please feel free to check out Wogen Watch at http://wogenwatch.blogspot.com/

Thank you for your time!

-Wogen Watch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jill! These people hate silence!