Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wogen speaks at the council meeting. What is your reaction?


Anonymous said...

Don't believe a word he has to say. He has no business being on the council. His remark about an aldermans house burning down shows that he has no sense of bringing this all on himself. He has been charged with domestic abuse and has no one to fault but himself. Instead he asks for respect and privacy. That's the last thing I would give him.

yinn said...

Everytime something happens to him, he gets "drug through the mud"? Good grief, we just asked for his current address. This is no more and no less than any person who speaks at a council meeting has to give.

The secrecy and the stonewalling are what made people mad. If he had made this ward report a month ago there would have been no big deal.

Anonymous said...

Spoken just like a certain needham.

GhostofDekalb said...

I seem to recall a letter from his daughter? AFTER the postcard debacle that got into this same question about the FAIR GAME of anyone in a public office, or uses his family in a PUBLIC office.

This guy and his campaign wer an embarrassment to DEKBALB before his election, is anyone surprised by this?

START a recall, removal or something asap. Good luck Mr. Wogen with YOUR personal problems, Dekalb City government does not need them or you.