1. What is your political connection to Donna Johnson and how did that connection help you in the April 17th election?
2. Why would you knowingly distribute a “smear mailer” that refers to former Alderman Steve Kapitan as ‘extremely pro-gay’ if you don't have a problem with homosexuality?
3. Under what circumstances did you lose your job at Custom Stone Works, Inc.?
4. Why is the city clerk, Donna Johnson, sanitizing the statements of local residents who criticize you for lying? (Please don't reference Robert's Rules of Order because we've already heard that nonsense from your ally.)
5. Could you please list five aldermanic activities that you have either organized or participated in (excluding meetings - either at city hall or KJ's) to help the Third Ward?
6. Why did you miss the July 16th council meeting?
7. What is your relationship with local contractors and developers?
8. Are you a fan of Joseph McCarthy, the former Wisconsin senator who accused numerous people of being communists in the 1950s? After all, your mailer inferred that Steve Kapitan is a socialist.
9. Why do you refer to Jill Draves as an “NIU faculty member” on your website when she’s a staff member?
10. Since you have been sued a few times for not paying debts, you attempted to file bankruptcy, and your home might be foreclosed on, which members of the local “power elite” paid your campaign expenses and how much did they spend?
11. Who coached your daughter to write that letter to the editor in your defense?
12. What really goes on at KJ’s Tap & Grill with regards to local politics?
13. When are you going to tell the whole community the truth about the “smear mailer” that you put stamps on and sent out?
you guys are so ignorant! the letter from Tessa has already been explained! She wrote it in school, DURING school hours in her study hall class!!! NO ONE coached her and her parents knew nothing of it! Quit bringing up something that's already been explained! (just like everything else that has been explained time and time again.) you're only trying to stir up trouble once again!
hEY, thanks for plugging KJ'S! Great place, great food!
man, you people are nosy bodies!
it's none of your business! Why don't you make it 14 questions by asking how many times he goes to the bathroom every day!
You don't have a life what so ever!
What's wrong with you?
The owner of this site cannot possibly sleep at night! I suppose you dream of victor wogen as well? Lol!
Get over it- your stuck w/him fur the next 4 years
Maybe this is the blog owner.
maybe, cried the wolf!
to blog owner ? said...
Maybe its the provider of funds for the flyer and campaign???????
I observe the following:
While I don't like the personal attack nature of many of these questions, and especially (as previously noted)insinuations about/attacks on other family members, the fact is that questions wouldn't keep surfacing if answers to previous questions had been willingly and transparently provided, sooner and with sincerity. When trust is broken it's hard to repair especially when those involved are either defensive, angry or silent.
Many of these questions need answers. For example, a number of them refer to the money trail which presumably leads to those who constructed the flyer. Others lead to the trail of political and power influence, which is important to clean elections. Even if I accept that Victor Wogen didn't create the flyer and either hadn't read it or hadn't read it carefully enough to realize the insinuations and implications, I still DO NOT understand why he hasn't fully repudiated it and everyone involved in it's creation.
Neither do I understand why DeKalb's city council members have apparently ignored requests to publicly repudiate the politics of slime, or why they haven't made any public statements, that I've seen or read anyway, about this issue. I've spoken twice at meetings in the past month and aside from one brief comment from Victor Wogen who partially responded to questions, and a defensive reaction from Donna Johnson, I was met with silence. This wasn't true for other citizens who spoke on other issues.
The cumulative effect of being ignored/stonewalled/avoided -- or even if people just don't know how to respond, is to add to the cycle of anger and distrust all the way around.
I also observe that "Anonymous" -- whether it be blog owners, or multiple comments by the same or different people, almost inevitably sends the tenor of discussion into the cesspit. This is also true of comments on any forum and most especially when they are anonymous. Why do people have to insult each other? I find this depressing...
this entire site is DEPRESSING!
So let's hear something good. What is the answer to Question #5? What has Wogen done for the Ward?
Every time I write something good, you all have to trash it. As I already know that spite is your one & only goal for this site. I would like to mention, however that
Victor is not a person to go & tell everyone all the good he has done. He doesn't need to. But, I'll tell you this to help you out w/question #5: He has helped someone paint their home that was in a very tough situation & did not have the needed funds or the time to do it all himself. Victor, along w/some family members went to his home a couple of wk ends & helped this man out. He also has quite a few other houses that he want to help paint as well. Remember, he's always looking for volunteers!
He also raised funds for the "We Care Pregnancy Center" & also participated in their "Walk For Life" this past Spring.
He personally went to Aarons & got them to donate much needed furniture for the muralist to use during his stay in DeKalb until the mural is totally finished.
One Fri evening, Victor also chased 4 vandals 5-6 blocks, in the dark (Barefoot mind you!) He actually caught all 4 of them as well!! There were like 4 or 5 cops looking for the vandals in their cars... but, it was Victor who finally caught them!!
This is pretty good, considering he's only been in office for a mere 3 months!!!
Little girls,aka vandals, can sure run fast sometimes!!!!!
Anon 6:26, he sounds so very busy that I'm wondering why he's not making ward reports.
leave it to all the posters, again for not saying anything positive about what Wogen has already done for our ward!
It wouldn't matter how much Wogen did for the 3rd ward, you people would still find something to complain about! Wogen Watch isn't doing anything positive for your ward at all!
Stop beating a dead horse! Grab a paint brush and help your alderman out!
What a guy! So when is he going to help out Kapitan?
Of course, it was Victor who was trying to help out his alderman when he sent out the smear mailer.
You positive people seem to keep forgetting how this all started.
Excuse you. Victor did, in fact tell Steve that he'd help him out with his home. Steve graciously turned down the offer.
Boy, you guys are just looking for a hot story aren't you?
Instead, you are only spreading lies and deceit. But I guess thats okay for people on here to do. You sound like hypocrites to us.
After a smear mailer was sent out Wogen commented he would help Kapitan. What did you think the answer would be. Kapitan could have used the helped when he was Victors alderman for several years. Why didn't Wogen pick up a paint brush and volunteer if he is such a helpful guy?
Hey Anonymous! Get a clue!
"Excuse you. Victor did, in fact tell Steve that he'd help him out with his home. Steve graciously turned down the offer.
Boy, you guys are just looking for a hot story aren't you?
Instead, you are only spreading lies and deceit. But I guess thats okay for people on here to do. You sound like hypocrites to us."
Go look up the word S A R C A S M in the dictionary because that is exactly what this is:
"Anonymous said...
What a guy! So when is he going to help out Kapitan?"
You're just as ignorant as the owners of this ridiculous site!
This is all you've got?
" Anonymous said...
You're just as ignorant as the owners of this ridiculous site!"
My guess is that you cannot be one of Tessa's kid friends because I think kids have better imaginations than that. Was that supposed to make me feel insulted or was I supposed to laugh?
I laughed.
This is exactly the reason why our 3rd ward is in such poor shape. People like you that make ridiculous comments, blog owners like you: (most likely Mark & Christine Kahle) You are the ignorant ones. The whole town knows all you do is complain & we're all tired of it.
Start walking the walk & maybe we'll listen. Signed me:
Tired of this whole 3rd ward mess
Yes, I'm tired, too. We went from Kapitan who did not do enough to Wogen, who we cannot trust. I never needed anything from Kapitan and I am angry that we have an alderman we cannot trust.
It takes two or more to lie. One person to be the liar and co-dependent people to make excuses for the liar and be in denial about the liar.
So Conan, are you just going to blog your thoughts on this site for the next 4 yrs? Or are we going to try to work together to make our 3rd ward better? I am all for choice #2, how about you?
I'm for #2 also. Ward 3 will be a better place if:
1. Wogen provides proof of all the expenses he paid for on the campaign, with receipts.
2. Wogen ponies up a reward for any information leading to the identification of the 'real' people responsible for the postcards. Gee, even OJ did something like that that for the murders.
3. Wogen addresses all of the questions posed to him by Frances Loubere, in writing, in the newspaper like he said he would months ago.
4. Wogen admits that by putting postage on the postcards and taking them to the Post Office that means he is responsible for them.
5. Wogen apologizes to socialists.
6. Wogen explains where he was for the meeting he missed, with proof.
7. Wogen tells his supporters to apologize to Alderman Baker for saying he waits until before the meeting to read his stuff.
8. Wogen corrects his Web site and admits that saying that Jill Draves is a professor was incorrect, and a lie.
9. Wogen comes clean about which high schools he attended and provides proof that he and his wife really did live in DeKalb for 77 of the past 79 years.
10. Wogen promises never to run again for office.
I almost forgot:
11. Wogen apologizes to taxpayers for thinking that increasing the salary to pay for someone who lobbies was a good idea. He broke his campaign promise to be a taxpayer watchdog.
12. Wogen comes clean about what role the political consultants had in the FOIA request on Kapitan's house.
13. Wogen provides proof that Donna Johnson did not use city paid time to help him in his campaign, since they're such good friends.
14. Wogen provides proof as to why his job was "terminated" by Custom Stone.
15. Wogen provides evidence that he is capable of managing his personal finances.
Answer all of those first.
Ward 3 can be improved WITHOUT Wogen's help, by the way. He is unworthy of getting any credit for anything, because he is a proven liar.
gee conan, do you even sleep at night? i think you may have a huge problem. i've never heard of a person that thinks about someone else like that in such great detail. wow! thats pretty weird!
i've never heard of a person that thinks about someone else like that in such great detail. wow! thats pretty weird!
You must be a Wogen backer, because even Slick Vic is incapable of thinking in such great detail.
I don't find the intelligent thought that went in to Conan's list "weird". I find it cogent, insightful, and the kind of questions that should be asked of someone like Wogen.
The fact that you find it "weird" says more about your ability to think things through than anything I could post.
So, I'll let your words speak for themselves.
" Anonymous said...
gee conan, do you even sleep at night? i think you may have a huge problem. i've never heard of a person that thinks about someone else like that in such great detail. wow! thats pretty weird!"
That is the BEST you can do?? That did nothing but make me laugh. I was pretty certain that no one from the tiny Wogen side (what, him and his family members?) would answer any of my questions.
I will certainly remember all of that on the next election day. If Wogen's name ever appears on a ballot ever again, then he's dumber than I ever imagined.
Go ahead, Anonymous and respond with the usual stupidity. Just keep repeating with the usual lame responses. You are mistaken if you think I care about any childish responses, although it really makes me wonder what kind of immature people are Wogen supporters.
Better yet, get Tessa to write a response. She used bigger words than Anonymous, so perhaps she did write it herself!!! Now that is a sad commentary if the 13-year-old has more maturity, more imagination, and more intelligence than the anonymous Wogen supporters, who are supposed to be 'adults.'
Who is making fun of who here? Immature you say?
I know the facts, you do not.
Oh gee, since this thread is back in play, then I will respond from a while back:
Show us the evidence.
Really, any evidence, of anything. None of the Wogen supporters have shown any evidence of anything that backs up any topic. Start with something easy:
Question: Who paid for what for the election?
Hint: Receipts.
Your Answer: ______________
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