Thursday, July 19, 2007

Is Donna Johnson getting the point? Maybe...maybe not.

Please read the "Citizen Comments" for both the June 11th and June 25th meetings which are now available online. If you notice, the city clerk did a much better job summarizing Ms. Kay Shelton's statement on June 25th than on May 29th. Of course, Shelton spoke about Corn Fest (June 25th) and not Alderman Wogen's campaign (May 29th), so that might explain the difference.

At this point, we still have concerns about Johnson's selective application of Robert's Rules of Order (which is only a guide). It appears that if you make a relatively benign statement, then her summary will be fair. However, if you criticize a family friend and political ally, then you can expect her to break out the bleach so no one (in the future) really understands why you spoke in the first place.

For evidence, please read Mr. John Duerk's official statement before the council and Johnson's summary for the May 29th meeting (found under "Citizen Comments"). You should also read Lynn Fazekas' letter to the Daily Chronicle. We encourage all concerned residents to contact the city clerk about any inadequacy or inconsistency found in the minutes:

Ms. Donna Johnson, City Clerk
City of DeKalb
200 South Fourth Street
Room 213
DeKalb, IL 60115

Ph: 815-748-2095

By the way, we are happy to see that the June 11th minutes FINALLY appear online after having been approved weeks ago.

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