Whenever I read people's criticisms of local 'city watchers', I always think of a popular quote by Margaret Mead that reads as follows: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." She's right, and therefore, none of us should be waiting for a groundswell of public support. Armed with solid facts and analysis, we must remain steadfast in our belief that we deserve better from public officials. In this situation, we seek to shape public policy as well as restore credibility to our local governing institutions. The only way this will ever happen is if we continue speaking out.
For those new to the blog, please read this post: "Some questions and answers with Wogen Watch". Thank you for stopping by!
Wogen resigned this morning on TD Ryan's show on WLBK, effective immediately.
Claimed it was for personal reasons, and had nothing to do with the outcry over his company's work for the ciy, or because of the bloggers.
Now that we have established that we all can tell when Wogen is lieing when we observe that his lips are moving, what about the workers he screwed? Merry Christmas BAH Humbug! Wages weren't paid according to Illinois Prevailing Wage Laws, unemployment taxes and the rest.Should the City Fathers allow Ebbeneazer Wogen to folds up his hand as usual and walk away from paying workers once again? They knew about this guy back in the spring!
Just a scam artist wannabe. One of these times you will suffer the consequences. GOOD BYE!!!!
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