Monday, February 1, 2010

"Wogen arrested for DUI"

Created: Monday, February 1, 2010 12:38 p.m. CST
Updated: Monday, February 1, 2010 12:44 p.m. CST

Wogen arrested for DUI

DeKALB – Former 3rd Ward DeKalb Alderman Victor Wogen was arrested early Sunday morning for driving under the influence.

Wogen also was arrested for texting while driving, according to a DeKalb Police report.

Police received a call shortly before 2 a.m. Sunday that a driver had crashed into a light pole in the 1100 block of West Lincoln Highway, which is where the street intersects with Annie Glidden Road.

They located the vehicle, a 2004 Honda Element being driven by Wogen, near the intersection of Deerpath Lane and Knolls Avenue, according to the police report.

Wogen admitted to police that he was sending a text message when he struck a median sign and light pole at the nearby intersection. He then failed field sobriety tests.

He was charged with driving under the influence, driving under the influence with a blood-alcohol content greater than 0.08, texting while driving and improper lane use.

Copyright © 2010 Daily Chronicle. All rights reserved.


GhostofDekalb said...

I am very sorry to see this, and I hope that he is going to get some help NOW.

Anonymous said...

We are all lucky he did not hurt anyone.

Yes, that guy needs to go get help.

Anonymous said...

Can a SOCIOPATH get help?

Urban Dictionary Definition:

A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.

Sound like anyone we know?

Anonymous said...

I was a fan of Wogen watch and it served an important role in his removal from office. He's done and now he's just imploding. We need to let him go in peace. Time to retire the blog unless he runs again. Anything else doesn't serve a purpose except to further add humiliation to what he's doing to himself.

Anonymous said...

I partialy agree with you as far as his personal life but his actions as to private gain while being a public servant and of those who enabled him is something that shouldn't be swept under the rug.
In addition, what about charges of leaving the scene of an accident and the damages to public property? Possible suspended license for non payment of IPass fines and no insurance?

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the "leave him in peace" crowd is complaining to the Chroncle. Didn't think so.

GhostofDekalb said...

Yes, ALL those things probably, PLUS having what an imperfect human bean he is appropriately plastered everywhere.

Now somebody get him some help, I'd say the same thing for some of you rock throwers.

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo. Ghost of Dekalb. The man has brought all of this on himself, with the help of those who thought he should of run for office.This put him in the lime light. He honestly does not believe he has done anything wrong. Both in his public & personal life. You can not help someone who doesn't feel they need help even when it is posted in the papers & radio. It is always someone elses fault. THE ONE(s)who need the "Help" is his family. The wife & 2 daughters who are left holding the bag of his "problems". If he would own up to his mistakes then there would not be a need for this site. But no matter what happens in his pathetic life..."It's not his Fault" poor baby...he is so misunderstood. How do you help that??

Anonymous said...

Totally in agreement with the last post!!!!!!!!!!!

GhostofDekalb said...


that bad karma shit comes back at YOU TEN TIMES....


Anonymous said...

Yes, Bad Karma does come back at you, and it just keeps coming for Mr if you have a soft place in your heart for him.(which is totally misdirected) then can you Just Imagine ALL of the bad stuff he has done...His Ass has almost been eaten away by 'Karma".

LOL :0)