You knew it would only be a matter of time before another scandal broke.
Now, it appears that Alderman Wogen made tens of thousands of dollars last year doing masonry work for the city, and interestingly, local officials paid him in increments that fell below the $20,000 threshold that requires council approval.
How much do you want to bet that City (Mis-)Manager Mark Biernacki is partly responsible for this?
So, why the hell would any local official want to do business with someone who is not only a political hack and known liar, but who also has been sued in the past for shady business dealings?
Could it be a lack of a moral compass? A dysfunctional longing to join Wogen in the nearest gutter?
Furthermore, if the alderman made so much money, then why hasn't he paid his bills?
Lastly, when is Elena Grimm, the city reporter over at the Daily Chronicle, going to start investigating these matters instead of making local bloggers bring them to light?
Please check out this great article: "Alderman ReNews DeKalb for TIF Money," over at City Barbs.
No big surprise, or the lack of the non daily DC reporting. Thanks.
$20k threshold? I think the new "free" Dekalb City Logo would have to be over that dollar amount when you take into account incremental art and graphic design customization of the logo from Sycamore Morningstar, removal of the old logos and replacement. Wasn't some city council group supposed to report back on what the total cost of this "free" logo was? I've seen estimates of $25-50k.
This was obviously a group effort. It was also set up to avoid council approval. I believe that it is time for a few heads to roll. Illegal? Unethical, without a doubt!!!
I wonder if hookers charge prevailing wages.
Lots of creativity these days anonymouse.
The girl is free but the teddy is $100.
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