Thursday, October 22, 2009

Press Conference - Part 2

*This video shot by DeKalb County Online.


Anonymous said...

It is very easy to be the lowest quote when one is not paying prevailing wages!!

The first demolition resulted in some repair work so they should have known to expect some repair work on all other demolition work.

Watching Biernacki squirm was priceless! The smug confidence was totally gone. He better be dusting off his resume and putting it in the mail.

GhostofDekalb said...

I suggest an early lawsuit to RECOVER some of the excessive wages paid to Biernacki dollar for dollar for ANY proven lawsuits resulting in conviction of fraud, ignorance etc. on his watch.

In the same vein, a pot should be set up to pay him any incentives he might have earned for this performance on a different planet. This pot should be MUCH smaller.