Sunday, September 20, 2009

Anonymous tip on Wogen's current residence

It has been reported that Slick 'I don't know where that smear mailer came from' (or is it 'I didn't push her'?) Vic is living on Laurel Lane, which is in the Second Ward (just click the links to check the maps for yourself).

If you have a problem with an alderman living outside the ward he is supposed to represent, then please contact the mayor to express your concern:

Mayor Kris Povlsen
City of DeKalb
200 South Fourth Street
Room 203
DeKalb, IL 60115

Phone: 815-748-2099

Note: Wogen Watch encourages you to send an email to the Mayor and request that he respond in writing so he can't feed you misinformation over the phone that can later be denied.

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