Sunday, September 2, 2007

Yet another question for Alderman Wogen

If you can't pay your mortgage, then how did you pay your property tax bill?

-First installment paid on 5/31/2007 in the amount of $1,161.95
-Second installment paid on 8/16/2007 in the amount of $1,161.95

This doesn't make any sense.


Anonymous said...

Duh! You guys have just proven your ignorance! Use your heads a little bit more!

Anonymous said...

Right ... those kickbacks from the bar owners for trying to get the smoking ban pushed back to the first of the year.

How could we forget that?

Anonymous said...

There is also mooching from family members but my vote is on kickbacks.

Anonymous said...

There's always cash deals made to out of town P.O. boxes.

Anonymous said...

Why are you bringing up P.O boxes for? You better know what you are talking about before making such rash accusations.

Anonymous said...

Someone had written, "If you can't pay your mortgage, then how did you pay your property tax bill?"

We would like to clarify that Victor has, indeed been paying his mortgage, along with his property tax bill all by himself. He will continue to do so.
(if that's considered any of your business)
Wogen Family Members

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Why are you bringing up P.O boxes for? You better know what you are talking about before making such rash accusations.

Monday, September 03, 2007 8:46:00 PM"

Now there is an interesting reaction! No one accused anyone of anything with P.O. boxes. It's just a standard practice of crooked politicians. Cashier's checks sent to P.O. boxes leaves nothing to explain if a family member or staff employee of a crooked politician opens an envelop first.

So, just what is Anonymous from Monday morning hiding now?

Anonymous said...

So if Wogen is making all of his payments himself, has Wells Fargo dropped foreclosure on him now?

The alderperson job does not pay that much. How does one get from being in deep debt to paying off one's bills?


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by interesting reaction? If you look above, someone did make a comment about P.O Boxes for some un-known reason. You guys are complete morons! You believe all the rumors, lies etc... but you refuse to believe the truth (which has already been told a million times!)You are all messed up in the head!

Brien said...

You guys are complete morons! You believe all the rumors, lies etc... but you refuse to believe the truth (which has already been told a million times!)You are all messed up in the head!

Careful, now. I used similar language elsewhere and was told that I was being rude and cruel.

Are you saying that what's sauce for the goose is now allowed to be sauce for the gander?

You wouldn't be contradicting the other post made elsewhere, would you?

And don't insult me with the "I'm not *that* anonymous person" spiel ... until you're man/woman enough to identify yourself, I'm painting all of you with the same brush.

Anonymous said...

I brought up the P.O. box because it is a known practice of crooked politicians. It was a statement. I was not accusing anyone. You are the one who got all bent out of shape about it. Maybe because it's not so "un-known" to you?

Anonymous said...

Brien- You are being so ridiculous about everything. You are the one who has been insulting others on this blog, not us.

Anonymous said...

looks like brian is starting to crack!

Brien said...

"You guys are complete morons!"

Explain to me how this isn't intended as an insult.

It's nice to conveniently accuse others of bad behavior, but have no personal standards for your own behavior.

Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Anonymous said...

P.O. boxes are totally the calling card of crooked politicians as well as identity thieves.

It looks like a raw nerve got struck.

Interesting, indeed.

Have a nice day! :-)

Brien said...

looks like brian is starting to crack!

Don't know about this "Brian" guy, but I'm doing just fine, thanks.

Once again, members of the Wogen camp, unable to actually respond to the points being made, go off on a tangent about someone losing their mind.

People with any level of intelligence beyond the base are not going to start discounting what someone has to say because someone else has been trying to practice psychiatry without the proper education, credentials, or license.

Another example of the type of folks who back Wogen. People whose first line of defense is to call people names, or try to accuse them of being "silly" or "crazy".

It's really pathetic that this is the best that the Wogen camp has to offer ... fourth-grade, playground bullying and immature "argumentation" tactics.

Anonymous said...

Hey Conan! You have a nice day too! :)

Anonymous said...

Aawwww... Conan's sweet side is finally coming out!

Anonymous said...

So, WFM, what IS the out-of-town P.O. box for?

Anonymous said...

" diana said...

So, WFM, what IS the out-of-town P.O. box for?"

Yeah, I second that question, with PROOF! Out-of-town P.O. boxes usually don't come free. We still haven't heard how Wogen came up with the property tax money either. Did he win the lotto?


Anonymous said...

There you go assuming once again. You're making that quite a habit, aren't you?
Who said there WAS an out of town P.O Box anyway?

Anonymous said...

Got to hand it to you, Anon. You've gone for four days without actually denying the existence of the box. I don't really expect that you know for sure what the box is for but for your own sake you should find out.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if wogen has one of those jumbo loans that Wells FArgo is famous for.


Anonymous said...

Hey JAck, nice to see you here! I've enjoyed your comments on the Daily Chronicle thing--I am guessing you are one in the same.

Anonymous said...

Hey Blog Master! I believe you can require anyone wanting to post a comment on this blog to register and chose a screen name. I'm guessing that most of the Wogen supporters would choose to register in order to support their beloved alderman...but will they use their real names or hide behind fake screen names??? It would certainly be interesting to see what they would choose to do!

Anonymous said...

who are you to talk? you posted without leaving your name. why should you be any different?