On his web site, Alderman Wogen refers to Ms. Jill Draves as an "NIU Faculty Member" (a title reserved for professors) when in fact she is a "staff" member (a secretary).
Click this link to see for yourself: NIU's College of Education
Did Wogen purposely distort her status with the university to build his own credibility during the campaign? Given what we now know about him, it's a real possibility.
Click this link to see for yourself: NIU's College of Education
Did Wogen purposely distort her status with the university to build his own credibility during the campaign? Given what we now know about him, it's a real possibility.
That's not all. Wogen also misrepresented his time spent residing and going to school in DeKalb. Although he's spent almost all his life in DeKalb COUNTY, it reads as if he's as much a native of the City of DeKalb as his wife is. Not true.
The website is pretty much the same as the one flyer he owns up to, except that the flyer promises that he has or will file a report with the ISBOE. Hah!
Use your heads a little bit here! The majority of candidates running for elections (whether it be for President, City Council etc...) has someone else that gets the final draft together & that person has it printed! Victor & Kathy gave a rough draft to that other person (facts pertaining to their lives) In turn, that person changed some wording in their family flyer & went & printed it. That's what a campaign manager does for their candidates! There was absolutely no harm done- All the flyer said was "Our children attend the same Dekalb Public School System that we attended."
OK, let's talk about mispresentation...
For the short time that Vic Wogen has been in office, he has personally had 7 phone calls from 3rd ward residents. He returned all 7 phone calls and handled all situations promptly and carefully.
I want to make it known that ALL 7 of those who had called Vic told him that during the entire 12 yrs that Steve Kapitan had been alderman, NOT one time did he ever bother to return any of their calls!! All 7 callers were very appreciative of the fact that they now have an Alderman who sincerely cares for his ward & will return all phone calls no matter how big or small their problem is!
How does Kapitan not returning phone calls have anything to do with Wogen's campaign literature misrepresenting how many years he lived in DeKalb?
Also, candidates are responsible for everything their campaign managers do. If it was known right away that the manager took liberties with the facts on the literature, it should have been corrected by Wogen. Only after people started digging did the truth come out.
One last tidbit. Had Wogen not blatantly LIED, then everything would have blown over and there wouldn't have been anything to 'get over.' But, because he lied, then lots of people started digging up dirt. And oh, what dirt keeps surfacing! Because he has not been forthcoming about who is responsible for what, the level of mistrust just festers. He needs to demand of Joe Wiegand to come clean as to who did those postcards (you know which ones) and come clean on who paid for them.
So does the seven people calling Wogen all appreciative include John Duerk who called Wogen, got lied to about the postcards, and then complained about it at the City meeting?
Victor did not lie about the postcards. He told John Duerk the truth and how can you help someone that doesn't believe what you say? That's up to John Deurk to believe what he wants to believe. Just because John doesn't believe Victor, does NOT dis-prove Victor's side of the story in any way.
Everyone has their own opinion and no one can change that.
Wogen admitted to putting postage on the postcards during an interview with WLBK and at the end of the city meeting on June 11th after he had denied having anything to do with the postcards the day before the election. Numerous citizens reported asking him about the postcards and he said he had nothing to do with them the day before the election. Well, how is putting postage on postcards not having anything to do with them?
I certainly believe that Wogen does not have the computer skills to have designed the postcards but putting postage on them is doing something that then makes him responsible for them. By taking them back to the Post Office for mailing, that means he took responsibility for them, even if he did not create them on a computer or printed them. He became responsible for the sending out of those postcards by taking them back to the Post Office. If one is to believe that he didn't read them, then at the very least, he is irresponsible for not reading something that had the picture of him and his family on it. The offensive parts of the postcard were in different colors to bring attention to them and it clearly had Kapitan's house on it. Are we to believe that with all those things on them that he would not read everything on the postcards? They were only front and back, not a huge novel like "War and Peace." Go ask the Mayor if the Mayor believes that Wogen could put postage on the postcards without reading them. Wogen also said that he did not know about the postcards to the reporters for the Chronicle and the Northern Star until one arrived in his mail but clearly, that was another lie, too. I bet there is no proof that one actually went in the mail to his house. Why pay for the extra postage stamp to mail one to yourself? Are we to believe that, too?
And, during that June 11th city meeting, Wogen said that he took postcards that did not belong to them, put postage on them, and returned them. He said that he did not know who created the postcards. So, either he is still lying about not knowing who did the postcards or he admitted to tampering with someone else's mail by taking possession of it from the Post Office and affixing postage on it. Which is it? Is he lying about not knowing who created the postcards or is he guilty of taking someone else's postcards from the Post Office as he admitted during the meeting? How is taking someone else's mail not a FEDERAL offense?
This is not Burger King, where you get to 'have it your way.' How is there no lie (or lies) about the postcards? If they were not his, how did he get the Post Office to give them to him (when he talked about his "backers")? How it is not breaking the law by taking someone's mail?
So, what really happened?
I do not know these things and I would like to know the answers! I have 11 questions here. I hope someone can answer them!
Thank you very much!
For the anonymous person making excuses for Wogen passing off his campaign things to someone else as posted on July 10th:
Even if he was incapable of creating his own postcards, flyers, etc. he is still responsible for anything his campaign workers do.
And, we are still waiting to hear who all those people were besides Joe Wiegand and the people in Maple Park the newspaper mentioned.
Will the real "Citizens for a Better 3rd Ward" PLEASE STAND UP!! If you had any heart at all, or a family of your own, you would clear Victor's name NOW!! Tell these people that Victor had nothing else to do with that horrible flyer, other than affixing the postage!!
Some way, some how we will find out who you really are! You have caused the Wogen family incredible pain and are tearing their family apart! You should be ashamed of yourselves!
It is about time someone who might be from the Wogen camp demands this:
" Anonymous said...
Will the real "Citizens for a Better 3rd Ward" PLEASE STAND UP!! If you had any heart at all, or a family of your own, you would clear Victor's name NOW!! Tell these people that Victor had nothing else to do with that horrible flyer, other than affixing the postage!!"
But, the "horrible" flyer should NOT have been mailed. Don't you understand that? Putting postage on it makes him responsible for getting it distributed. And, he lied to cover up putting on postage to his neighbors and newspaper reporters.
I bet Joe Wiegand knows.
This could have some possible endings:
1. Wogen might finally realize that he was a tool of some people who don't care about him after all and who only wanted revenge against Kapitan and wanted him out of office.
2. We may never know who created the postcards.
3. Wogen decides to write a book called "If I Did It" and tries to find out who really did the postcards.
4. We actually do find out who created the postcards.
The wife of the political consultant who put in the request for the FOIA most certainly knows who did the postcards, as well as the Webmaster who did the Website that had the same information. What is stopping Wogen from suing them for defamation? They would have to disclose who did it in court.
Why can't you figure that out?
What do you mean by "why can't you figure it out?" You, as the owner of this site already believes that you have all the answers & you think you know Victor inside & out! So, YOU figure it out! It'll give you something to do for the next 4 yrs!
If people had all the answers and if they knew everything, this site would not need to exist.
Wogen himself said that he would like to know who did the postcards (as in created them) during a city meeting. It looks like someone here gave him a road map for finding out. Someone here did him a favor and gave him a road map on how to find out who created the postcards!! Someone a day or two ago pleaded for the invisible postcard people to show themselves because this person claimed they are hurting Wogen's family.
Hey, not everything is negative here--finding out who created the postcards would end a lot of this.
Believe me, I sincerely wish I could find out who was responsible for those nasty postcards! No matter what anyone posts or says on this site has no chance of closure because this site has become "Wogen Watchers" AGAINST "Wogen People" and it will always continue to fester.
No one here wants to hear the truth anyways. (believe me, the truth has already been spoken a ton of times!But everyone on here is so blind to that fact) You only want to keep the entire situation alive with never ending negative comments. You do not deserve any more answers in my eyes.
Provide truth and evidence. So far, it just words and words, without any solid evidence. Receipts for expenses paid for the campaign would be a great start in proving the truth.
By the way, since when do the people politicans are supposed to represent get told they cannot have answers? Wogen is completely headed into becoming a one-term alderman.
Voters have a RIGHT not to trust politicians. Voters have a RIGHT to speak their minds. Telling voters that they should not write negative words (see elsewhere on this site) is a VIOLATION of their CONSTITUTIONAL FIRST ADMENDMENT RIGHT to FREE SPEECH.
Where would we be if the 13 Colonies did not stand up to England and write negative things? Hey, maybe people should have written that life under England was all sunshine and puppies.
to voter in ward 3-
I don't have to provide truth or evidence too anyone! I already know the truth & have spoken on that subject! I really don't care what you people believe anymore. I thought you would have an open mind,& listen, but you are all very close-minded & NONE of you want to believe anything!
All I have to say is that you are all WRONG! Period.
Show proof. Where is the evidence? We knew months ago who did the Web site that looked just like the postcards. Wogen should go ask the Web site owner who did the postcards, 'if' he still does not know. Wogen should go ask Wiegand who did the postcards because he already said he knows who did them.
Believing in something is thinking it is true. How about knowing something is true because people provided proof and evidence?
People do not need to believe someone if they do not trust someone. Obviously, Wogen does not have the complete trust of everyone.
Until then, there will be doubt. People will think that Wogen also knew who created the postcards and based on his previous track record of lying, his word will not be good enough. He will need to provide evidence. He has not given anyone any reason to believe him. People would be stupid to take his word because there is proof that he lied about the postage, how many years he lived in DeKalb, what job Jill Draves has, and a few other lies. If he wants a second chance, he has to do better than just say he wants a second chance, he has to PROVE he had nothing to do with creating the postcards. He needs to PROVE that he paid under $3,000 for the campaign. He needs to PROVE that he did not take any campaign contributions of more than $149 from anyone. Otherwise, there will be doubt.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. No one is telling him who created those fliers (victor has asked around a ton of times!!) they reply back to victor that he doesn't need to know who created them. the less he knows... the better.
victor & his family are not going to sit around every single day worrying about who did create those fliers (like you people do!) they have more important things to worry about!
but obviously you don't!
show your faces, kahles! we know you said you were going to have another website after the election was over...I guess this is it!
Go figure! The Kahles are hiding behind a blog!
The owner isnt responding to that comment above for some reason.
Why are you dodging that question?
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